Kalm Email

Your email inbox is crazy!

Am I right?

Email is something beautiful. A way to catch up with people. A technical marvel—not owned by one behemoth tech company.

Instead, you are dreading to open it. There are more unread emails every day. Instead of fixing the root problem, we invent new chores—like Inbox Zero to help us deal with it.

How can we bring calm to the email inbox?

The first step: your newsletters

That daily newsletter (that you read every blue moon) does not belong in your inbox. Neither do all of the other newsletters.
Let’s give them another space. A separate space just for reading.


A pleasant reading experience, without distractions. Every email has the same style.


The same reading experience also exists for the web...

For the technical audience: Markdown is at the heart of the reading experience. Simple but enough styling for a good reading experience.

Every HTML email and every HTML website will be converted to Markdown. I had to completely rewrite my library html-to-markdown to get the last polish. But now the accuracy is unmatched!

Thats the quick look behind the scenes. Have a joyful reading experience!